Asantehene Removes Wirempehene for Breaking Sacred Oath

In a historic decision, the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has removed Wirempehene Nana Opia Mensah II from his position for breaking the sacred Asante Oath, known as Ntamkɛseɛ. This decision was announced on September 2, 2024, and it marks a crucial moment in the history of the Ashanti Kingdom, which has faced many chieftaincy disputes and illegal activities over the years.
The Wirempehene stool is one of the most important positions in the Ashanti Kingdom, but it has been surrounded by controversy for decades. Nana Opia Mensah II, who had ruled for 54 years, was accused of abusing his power and ignoring traditional practices.
Otumfuo Osei Tutu II explained that Nana Opia Mensah II knowingly and dishonestly invoked the Great Oath, even though he was aware that the Wirempehene stool did not rightfully belong to him. Otumfuo revealed that a report, presented to the Kumasi Traditional Council on August 15, 2024, showed that Nana Opia Mensah II’s Aduana Clan was not the rightful royal family. Instead, the Oyoko Clan has the legitimate claim to the Wirempehene stool.
By misusing the sacred oath for personal gain, Nana Opia Mensah II lost his right to the stool. As a result, the Asantehene stripped him of his title and traditional slippers, which are symbols of his authority.
This is not the first time Otumfuo has acted against chiefs who have broken traditional laws. In the past, he has also removed other chiefs for engaging in illegal activities, including illegal mining, known as galamsey.
Otumfuo emphasized that the Ashanti traditions are sacred and must be respected. He made it clear that anyone who tries to misuse these traditions for personal gain will face consequences. This decision serves as a strong reminder that the Ashanti Kingdom’s traditions are to be honored and preserved.