
How to Bulk Export All of Your iCloud Notes from Apple 2024

If you’ve ever needed to transfer or back up your iCloud Notes, you’ll be glad to know there’s a straightforward way to bulk export them, along with any images or attachments. Whether you’re switching to a new device, organising your notes, or simply creating a backup, this guide will show you how to bulk export your iCloud Notes and include images in the process.

Step 1: Access Your iCloud Notes on a Web Browser

The first thing you need to do is log into your iCloud account.

  1. Open a web browser and go to iCloud.com.
  2. Sign in using your Apple ID and password.
  3. Once logged in, click on the Notes app icon. You’ll now be able to see all your notes that are stored in iCloud.

Step 2: Select the Notes You Want to Export

To start the export process, you’ll need to select the notes you want to save.

  1. Browse through your list of notes and select the ones you want to export.
  2. You can select multiple notes by holding down the Command (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows) key while clicking on the notes you wish to select.

Step 3: Copy the Notes to Your Computer

Unfortunately, iCloud does not offer a one-click solution for bulk exporting notes with all their attachments. However, you can manually copy the content and images.

  1. For each note you select, open it by clicking on it.
  2. Highlight the entire content of the note, including any text and images.
  3. Right-click and select Copy or press Command + C (Mac) or Ctrl + C (Windows).
  4. Open a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Pages) and paste the content into a new document. This will ensure that both the text and images are copied over.

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Step 4: Export the Notes to PDF

Once you’ve copied and pasted all the notes into your document, the next step is to save them in a more portable format like PDF.

  1. After pasting your notes into the document, go to File > Export or Save As.
  2. Select PDF as the file format and choose a location on your computer to save the file.

Step 5: Backup Your Notes with iCloud Drive

Another way to export notes is by using iCloud Drive. You can save your notes as text files or PDFs and store them on iCloud Drive for easy access across all your devices.

  1. In the Notes app on iCloud, open the note you want to export.
  2. Click on the Share icon (the square with an upward arrow).
  3. From the options, choose Save to Files, then select iCloud Drive as the destination.

This allows you to store your notes, including images, as individual files that are easy to access and share.

Step 6: Use Third-Party Apps for Bulk Export

If you’re looking for a more automated solution to bulk export your notes and images, third-party apps can help. Some apps are designed to interact with iCloud and streamline the exporting process, saving you time and effort.

  1. Search for iCloud note export tools or apps that support bulk exporting.
  2. Follow the instructions provided by the app to select and export your notes, including any attached images or files.

Step 7: Organise Your Exported Notes

Once you’ve exported your notes, it’s a good idea to organise them into folders or categories on your computer. This will make it easier to access and reference them later.

  1. Create a new folder on your computer or external storage device.
  2. Move the exported notes into this folder.
  3. If you saved the notes in PDF format, you can easily search through them later using your computer’s search function.


Exporting all of your iCloud Notes along with images can be done manually or with the help of third-party tools. Whether you’re preparing to move to a new device or just need a backup, this simple guide provides clear steps to ensure that your notes and attached images are safely stored. Now you can easily access your iCloud Notes offline, share them with others, or keep them secure for future reference.

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